Morning has just fade to the heat of noon. Still in my bed lazying around on this lovely Monday. Feels so relieved that I woke up and found out that today I don’t have to do my exam cause it’s over. Went downstairs and had my coffee cold. Eat some melons, add some milk to my cold coffee. Checked my javelin and I laughed to read a message from my cousin, she dreamed of me and Aike coming over to her casa. Which is in LA! Lols that’s thousands of miles away but hey who knows I’ll probly get my visa in like one week from now. Just pray and hope for the best that could happen cause we (me, Aike, and my cousin) are soooo excited to spend this summer together
Woooohoo there’s a remix of umbrella song on the radio. Dance dance dance.. told u I’ll be here forever said I’ll always be your friend.. dance dance.. under my umbrella e e e.. lols :D
Yeah so today I skipped my four classes straight. Got a singing class at 4 though. After I post this notes I’ll go out for lunch, go to my singing class then probly go out to meet some friends and have an early dinner. Go back home, spending time with mi familia, do some reading, make some phone calls, then go to sleep. And tomorrow I’ll wake up and do almost the same activity, the same routine.
well somehow I am now feeling like a modern (girl) version of Sisyphus.
at certain point in my life I get bored I feel like there’s no point in these things I do every day. sometimes i feel tired and i just wanna stop doing the same things and make today doesn't end just like any other days. like how I skipped my classes today and go somewhere or do something spontaneously to make a difference. Yea I like doing things spontaneously, out of the blue i just make an unpredictable decisions. I usually don’t make plans cause things turn out be more interesting when you don’t know what's gonna happen next
I just gave a thought of it and actually.. I don’t need to do these stuffs I do every day, rite? Let’s just say that if today I feel like going to Bali why don’t I just set off for a day or two and go back. It’s not gonna make things turn out bad, is it? We can do things out of our routine, out of our habits, and make things turn out better. Like when my dad came home and bring flowers for my mama, that's surprising and it makes her happy. and not just her, I do too.
my friend just came to pick me up and now we are going out for lunch. I gotta go now. Write again soon, have a magical day fellas :)
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